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Historical Day


Today, a historical day so if you are reading this you have lived the day of 22222. Something you will never see again for quite a long time.

A day to set your intentions and manifest all your dreams and goals you want to achieve in your life moving forward. Whatever you have manifested make sure you have it on paper, a journal, a notebook etc. Its important to go back and see how it all comes together.

In this world were we are human and alive. We all have a story. A story of so many things in it that can help and teach others. Our journeys are not all the same. We are down here on this earth to live what God has put in front of us. We all have lessons. Lessons we all need to accomplish before it is our time to leave. We all have wisdom to share with others to help others grow and heal were they need. Are stepping stones all look different. Can you honestly imagine if we all looked alike and had all the same lessons to learn? Yikes that would be a boring world we live in.

We all have been experiencing a lot of pain, anxiety, unknown of what is happening right now in this world. The pandemic has set the presence of fear in many. Given all of us some new tools that we need to use moving through life day to day. I feel it has tried and did pull many families, friendships, relationships apart. My heart truly breaks for this world and our fears and pains we all have suffered. But we have to stay strong and fight forward with strength and power together.

I have lost some very close friends through all of this. And know many others have to. But what did those friends/family teach us while they were on earth? What can we learn from them? What can we carry forward that will help others? They do not want us to stop living they want us to keep teaching and living. They may not be here in human form but they are present in Soul and Angel form.

So today 22222 if there is one thing you need to take away from this day it is to keep going and keep setting those intentions to help yourself, others, and go out in this world and make a difference!!

Love & Light my beautiful peeps!

Deana McLean

Signature Souls


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